Project Description

Optus (Portfolio Optimisation Tool)
Optus had challenges in determining the right amount of programs to fund and which suite of programs would optimize their investment against their strategic objectives. They also needed to consider risk, technical debt, capacity and program interdependencies in their portfolio planning.
Seven Consulting worked with Optus to run a process to agree the transformational objectives and their weightings to create a forced ranking of projects against these. A conversion table was created for key soft benefits as part of this process. This was then overlaid with the major capacity constraints and the capacity demand from each project for these elements. All of this was supported by the Portfolio Optimisation tool. There was a final overlay of dependencies between projects.
With data driven insights, there was a recommended portfolio (incl projects to be shut down) represented to the executive each quarter based on their priorities and weightings for approval, and considering what was actually achievable. This allowed an optimised portfolio which was deliverable to be agreed.